MI Rule Visions

Clear overlay fits 8½" x 11" paper and includes reference information.

$29.95 US

MI Rule Visions w/ Practice ECG Kit

$34.95 US

EMS MI Rule Visions

Clear overlay fits EMS 4" paper and includes reference information.

$29.95 US

EMS MI Rule Visions w/ EMS ECG Kit

$34.95 US

MI Rule 15/18

For 15 and 18-lead ECGs. Isolates right-sided and posterior infarcts. Includes guidelines for obtaining tracings, suggested treatment pathways for RV infarcts and other references.

$24.95 US

The 12-Lead Solution to 12-Lead Confusion!

The only 12-Lead - 3D Infarction Template. MI Rule Visions is an innovative, clinically proven tool, making recognition of STEMI and ischemia location in a 12-lead ECG rapid and simple. This handheld template has movable waveforms to show all 12 leads as they appear normal, ischemic, and in injury. This is a critical reference to have on hand for 12-lead ECGs!

MI Rule(R) Visions(TM)

  • These color-coded templates contain a wealth of information including AHA/ACC guidelines for UA/NSTEMI/STEMI, reciprocal changes, culprit arteries, cardiac markers, lead placement and waveform norms, and other critical references.

  • Clinically Significant Tool: MI Rule Visions study data was presented orally at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions on November 14, 2006. This data validated MI Rule Visions as a "statistically and CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT TOOL" for increasing the ability to identify ST elevation or depression in a 12-lead ECG!
  • Increase your proficiency, accuracy and confidence!
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